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Monday, 8 November 2010

Expat Health Insurance News: Expats anxious about settling in

Settling into a new community overseas is the largest cause of concern for recent expats, according to new research.

The report by HSBC International shows that ...

For the full story click here.

Don't Leave Things to Chance When Heading Abroad

When people are asked to move to foreign shores with work, or perhaps making the move on a more permanent basis with the family, it can be a shock to discover that policies paid into for a number of years cannot be taken abroad. Unfortunately, many people do not discover this until days from boarding the place or, worse still, when it comes to seeking help.

There are some policies that can be taken abroad, though this should never be assumed of course. As such, ensuring the policy covers international healthcare needs to be determined. In the likelihood this is not the case though, it is important to get covered right with expatriate health insurance.

Settling this too can be somewhat of a minefield, as unsurprisingly each country has its own rules and regulations. Fortunately, there are companies well placed to advise on what is needed. Further than this, it will also be important to determine exactly what cover is required; dependent on age, lifestyle, activities planned and so forth.

Also if there are plans to travel between countries on a regular basis as with many business secondments to Asia for example, the policy will need to be flexible.

At Expate Healthcare, we know what we’re doing when it comes to the global village we live in. With a dedicated team working to ensure just the right cover, we can provide the right expat insurance no matter where in the world you are, no matter what in the world you are doing.

Expat Insurance Just Makes Travelling Easier

When travelling, no matter how often, it can be easy to forget the details. Whilst most of the time this will cause no bigger a problem than a small delay or a small extra expense, not having the right medical insurance can be more than significant.

Many people assume their UK policy will cover them, whilst others assume that travelling through Europe will be covered. This is not true however. Whilst travel in the European Union covers emergency care, travel outside of the area and ongoing care for expats in Europe is not covered.

Those, whose foreign travel involves extended stays or people making a permanent move, need to ensure that adequate expatriate medical insurance is sought. Ensuring correct cover in the UK saves a lot of hassle and other benefits.

Whilst rare, it has been known for medical care to be withheld if the host country cannot be certain their costs will be covered. Further than this, it is also increasingly common for people to left considerably out of pocket if they don't have adequate expat health insurance whilst abroad.

Naturally, for the number of people travelling to work and live abroad from the UK each year, these stories are few and far between. However, there are countless stories of inconvenience, frustrations and still considerable though perhaps ultimately affordable, expenses being incurred.

International healthcare requirements vary between countries, so arranging the right cover can be awkward. It is for this reason that we at Expat Healthcare concentrate on providing the best service to our customers, allowing travel to be just that little bit easier.

Why It Is Important To Get Expat Insurance

Whether consistently travelling for work or play, or making a move overseas on a more permanent basis, it is important to ensure you have adequate medical cover in place. Many people assume that their present policy will cover them for every eventuality; but this is rarely the case.

Most basic healthcare cover will become redundant as soon as you step on the plane out of the country. Whilst European cover is provided to a certain degree for nationals, this is not all encompassing either. This is certainly so for those living in another country on a permanent basis.

Many travellers abroad do not go with any cover at all, and regrettably there have been a host of unpleasant stories as a result. In most cases, these will be financial, though there have been instances when care has been withheld until finance has been secured.

Fortunately, it is possible to get expatriate medical insurance which will provide full and extensive cover. The information requested will be more searching than regular policy questions, though with the full cover provided this is to be expected.

The type of cover provided and options available to add on vary considerably, and can generally be tailored to suit individual needs. The type of cover will also vary on the length of the stay abroad, though can be amended quite simply, in most cases, if necessary.

At Expatriate Healthcare, we are experienced in providing this most vital of services. With expat health insurance packages to suit travel across the globe, for business, pleasure and permanent relocation, we are confident we can help with our fantastic range of international healthcare packages.

Does Your Health Insurance Cover You For Travel Abroad?

Getting the right health insurance takes a little of time; checking the details, researching the costs and reading through the small print soon adds up. Once assured there is cover in place for every eventuality, it is nothing more than covering the premiums each year. However, many of those heading off abroad for an extended period of time are surprised to learn their cover may not go with them.

For those travelling across the globe on a regular basis, or living abroad on a permanent basis, it is highly likely that standard cover will not stretch across the borders. As such, looking for appropriate expatriate health insurance is important.

These too vary considerably though, whilst they also can vary depending on the geographical region being visited. This is certainly the case when travelling outside of Europe, though the provision of healthcare in each country varies a great deal, no matter the continent travelled to.

For those that are heading abroad for work, or those who are seeking adventure in far flung locations, getting the right expat insurance is vital. Travelling abroad is safer now then it ever has been, and it is likely that there will be no problems. However, it is good to know that a broken leg or toothache can be attended to quickly and effectively should it occur.

At Expatriate Healthcare, we have a dedicated team that can tailor make your policy to give you just the right cover. Whether you’re heading off to Spain, France, and Italy or further afield, we know we can help with the right international healthcare for your needs.