Making a permanent home abroad is the dream of thousands; particularly as retirement beckons. For others, it is the ideal opportunity given to them by their employees, whilst for some it is all about the experience of setting up a new home and business abroad.
Whatever the reason though, there are an awful lot of things to arrange. Those fortunate enough to be asked to work abroad will have the majority of details taken care of. For those retiring or heading off on their own accord however, much planning is needed.
There are the obvious travel arrangements, sourcing a place to live, perhaps looking at what the kids need to have arranged. Then there are all the financial details; including bank accounts and expatriate health insurance.
These things all take time to sort out of course, but there are other fundamental details. Learning a new culture is important, as is having a working knowledge of the language. It is for these reasons that already having visited a chosen country can go a long way to making the trip successful.
There are a great many people that feel simply doing a little research through TV, magazines and websites will give them enough knowledge. However, nothing can prepare you as well as visiting your intended destination as much as possible before committing yourself to a permanent move.
It is also advisable to try and sort all financial affairs before moving abroad. No more important in this regard is the necessary expatriate medical insurance. Experienced and knowledgeable travellers ourselves, Expatriate Healthcare are perfectly placed to arrange this for you.